Edirne Turkey Travel Guide, History, Sights

Edirne Turkey Travel Guide, History, Sights

Edirne Turkey by travelinnate.com.

Edirne – say eh-deer-neh – is a city situated in Turkey’s northwest, in the slightly sloping plains of Eastern Thrace. It lies due east of where the rivers Arda, Tundzha and Maritsa meet. The city could be your last or first stop in the country, based on the direction of your entry: this is because Edirne Turkey is present at the border junction between Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey.

Edirne Turkey (2)History of Edirne Turkey

Edirne is a rather old city, rich in culture. Its imperial past lends it a fascinating quality – there are enormous complexes of the Ottoman Empire to see, as are neo-classical constructions of Edirne Turkey’s downtown, so don’t be put off by the initial rows of concrete flats present along the city’s entrance.

Sights of Edirne Turkey

Edirne Turkey Selimiye MosqueSelimiye Mosque Edirne Turkey

Located in Edirne Turkey’s central square, this mosque forms a major part of the city’s skyline, since it has been constructed on a hill that lends it some elevation. Interestingly, as you get nearer to the building, it may seem to get a bit smaller, thanks to a dimensional illusion. Selimiye is a magnificent work of art by the 16th Century Ottoman architect called Sinan – it is a perfect depiction of the peak of Ottoman construction, and is also a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2011.


After you’ve crossed the Tundzha by means of a bridge, you’ll find yourself on an island in the middle of two of the river’s branches (this is, of course, hard to tell when you’re actually on the island). Wrestling contests happen on a yearly basis in a modern sports stadium nearby, and there are also figures of past champions that greet you as you enter this part of Edirne Turkey. Next to the stadium is the Adalet Kasrı, or Justice Tower, a solid square construction that sits as a lonely reminder of the old Ottoman palace it was once part of.

Edirne Turkey bridgesEdirne Turkey bridges


The Karaağaç is connected to Edirne Turkey’s downtown by means of two Ottoman constructed bridges that are always worth exploring – make sure you make time for them, even if you can’t visit any other bridge in Edirne Turkey. The shorter of the two, lies over the Tundzha to the south west of the city’s old quarter, in proximity of the Synagogue at Maarif Caddesi. A little further, there’s the second one spanning the Maritsa River – it is a lot longer than the one over the Tundzha, because of the expanding riverbed. At this bridge’s middle is a lookout, characteristic of Ottoman construction.

Edirne Turkey

Edirne TurkeyEdirne Turkey Travel Guide

Edirne Turkey

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Edirne Turkey

Edirne Turkey

Edirne Turkey

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