Amberley Castle, West Sussex

Amberley Castle, West Sussex

Amberley Castle is in a small village in West Sussex in the South East of England; it is located somewhere near the town of Arundel. The area is full building and high rise castle of 12 century or later. The architecture is of the unique nature with full of stonework, high rise curtain walls, tower, together with high rise main gateway, giving a fortress look. If you happened to be there, you will definitely feel amazing; feel more secure from your enemy in case you have. It gives you reminiscence of old emperor days which they used to construct for their safety and secure.

Amberley Castle (1)Amberley Castle Cemetery

Amberley Castle (5)Amberley Castle Garden

Trend of Building castle in England had started some time back in the year 1050 when the Roman Empire was considered to be active. For their safety and secure reasons they used to build it very strong in strength, by to block high wall rising in such a way the enemy even they are fully equipped with gun, horse, and elephant could not penetrate into it by demurring the wall and main gate. The other reasons for making such castle or building with high wall were to have control their newly occupied territories. During the tenure of 12th century, the Normans began to build more castles with stone, with characteristic square keeps that played both military and political roles. Royal castles were believed to be used to control key towns and the economically significant forests while baronial castles were used by the Norman lords to have their strong grip on widespread estates.

Amberley Castle (3)Amberley Castle Aerial view

Amberley Castle (8)Amberley Castle beautiful front view

All buildings of this particularly of the Amberley Castle is so high, strong and rough; the shape and size of each build you will not find the same, each building will different shape and designed: if you stand in front of the building, you will be looked as if you are among the family of Lilliputian. Do not think, we making joke with you, we talking in the real sense. We believe it is a place for you to visit for getting experience only, not for just a hotel stay. As soon as you come within reach of the portcullis from the impressive drive, you can see that it is something new and special. We suggest you to stay for one night there only in a Deluxe Suite. The room is spacious, artistically decorated and comfortable.

Amberley Castle (4)Amberley Castle hotel bedrooms

Amberley Castle (9)Amberley Castle river

Amberley Castle (2)Amberley Castle Main Gate

Amberley Castle (7)Amberley Castle and Hotel

Amberley Castle (6)Amberley Castle Pictures