Denver, Capital Of The U.S. State Of Colorado

Denver, Capital Of The U.S. State Of Colorado

As we all know there are many beautiful cities on this earth, today we are going to highlight one of the most beautiful and green city and its name is Denver located in Colorado. It is second most populated state in Colorado after El Paso. Denver is famous for its prime location because it is located on the South Platte River valley and on the western edge it has high plains. One thing which must be new for our readers is the nick name of the city, people called it ‘Mile High city’ too because its elevation is exactly one mile or 5280 feet from mean sea level. Due to its high elevation, it is included among the highest cities in United States. According to the census of 2012 the population of It is about 634,265 due to which it ranked 23rd among the highly populated countries in United States. According to different statistical data showing it is most populous megalopolis of the Front Range urban corridor.

Denver Colorado (9)Denver Colorado buildings

Denver Colorado (2)Denver Colorado beautiful view in day light

Revealing the history, it was founded in the year of 1858 during the Pike’s Peak Gold Rush mining in the western Kansas Territory. At that time, a group of Gold prospectors from Lawrence Kansas had established this Montana megalopolis on the bank of South Platte River. This was the first step in the making of the megalopolis.

Denver Colorado (3)Denver Colorado Capital Of The U.S. State Of Colorado

Denver Colorado (10)Denver Colorado Satellite view

The climate of Denver Colorado is human-friendly because it is located in the semi-arid region. It has a lot of things to do in order to make ourselves entertain. It has City Park, street Chess playing setup, Chessman Park, Geneses Park covered by mountains and many other things which attract tourist and local people toward it. This city is considered as the place of natural beauties and the Civic of lights. The major sources of transportation are cars, cycles, walking on freeways are known.

In overall scenario, It is one of the most beautiful and well-organized cities of United States. If you belong to some other states then you must visit Denver for real enjoyment. You should plan to enjoy the beauty on earth.

Denver Colorado (11)Denver Colorado at night

Denver Colorado (4)Denver Colorado mountains

Denver Colorado (5)

Denver Colorado (1)Denver Colorado mountains

Denver Colorado (8)Denver Colorado Aerial view

Denver Colorado (6)Denver Colorado beautiful pictures