Golden Bridge San Francisco, USA

Golden Bridge San Francisco, USA

The Golden Bridge San Francisco now comes under among the world’s famous monuments because of its peculiar design, long suspension, and possessing of impossible feats during construction thereof.  People do come from all over the world just to walk its span and peer over its edges as the seething Golden Gate with a view of its iconic landmark. This bridge is considered to be almost 9,000 ft suspension bridge was a major engineering feat of its time. It is in the record before starting the Golden Gate Bridge, the only possible way to get through from San Francisco to Marin County was by ferryboat. To drive the entire way would have taken several hours as the only roads went down through the South Bay and up through the East Bay. The steel structure and construction of the Golden Gate Bridge eschewed in a new era for Bay Area locality, making it much easier to tour north ups the coast from San Francisco.

Golden Bridge (1)Golden Bridge Ocean side

Golden Bridge (5)Golden Bridge one of the oldest bridge in USA

At the time of Golden Bridge construction in the 1930, the Golden Gate Bridge was seemed to be the longest suspension connection in the world. It was considered to be a high point of pride for almost 25 years until the Verrazano Narrows overpass was built in New York in 1964. Even today, you will find this historic San Francisco landmark holds its place as the second largest suspension overpass of the country, behind Verrazano Narrows.

Golden Bridge (4)Golden Bridge San Francisco

Golden Bridge (8)Golden Bridge beautiful view

At the time of construction of Golden Bridge, experts had thought that it would be impossible to build an overpass across the nearly 9,000 foot Golden Gate straight, as the tides and currents in that particular area are frighteningly strong and would make construction extremely difficult and dangerous. The water is over 500 feet deep below in the center of the river, and along with the area’s strong winds and dense fog, the main idea of erecting a bridge there seemed like impossibility in the early 1900s.

Despite all of the drawbacks of building a bridge across the Golden Gate, Joseph Strauss was name of an Engineer who had leaded the project team. It is believed that construction had begun some time back January 5, 1933 and in the end cost more than $35 million to build.

Golden Bridge (9)Golden Bridge sea side

Golden Bridge (3)Golden Bridge night lights

Golden Bridge (7)Golden Bridge greenery

Golden Bridge (6)Golden Bridge at night

Golden Bridge (2)Golden Bridge pictures