2016/04/22 by
T I - 541 Comments
Since Western Australia is quite rich in containing several kinds of lakes. As a part of that big quantity of lakes, Lake Hillier carries its essence as being one of the finest kinds of lake. The texture is pinkish, giving an outlook of a pink color. Every year...
2016/04/08 by
T I - 458 Comments
Located in Alberta, Canada, Banff National Park is one of the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks – a collection of four national parks as well as a number of provincial parks which together make up a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Banff National Park has several native...
2016/01/27 by
T I - 735 Comments
The Dead Sea is also known as the Salt Sea. It is nothing but a salt lake touching one end of Jordan to the east and Israel to the other end of the west. Its surface and shores are of 427 meters below sea level. It is believed its shores are the lowest elevation point...